Sunday, April 7, 2013

Let's Talk about Melee AD Carries

In this series of posts, I would like to talk about melee carries and their problems with finding a place in the game on the summoner's rift.

When looking at competitive play, the only times I can remember ever seeing a Tryndamere (Tryn), Master Yi (Yi), or Fiora, other than at times when they were considered OP, and later nerfed, is when Yi or Tryn were played using their ability power off builds.

Just take a second to let that soak in. These two champions have been considered stronger with their off build, a build that were not even intended to have when designed, than they were with their intended design or being an AD Carry with melee auto attacks.

Clearly something is wrong with AD Carries, or something like that would never happen. Not to say that it isn't fun to have a viable off build, but when it is the only viable build, there is clearly a problem somewhere, and this problem seems to be a lot more than just the characters needing a numbers fix, as Riot has performed those on at least Yi and Tryn many a time, even giving Tryn a full rework once.

Something is inherently wrong with the way these champs are able to function in League of Legends. In this post, I was to delve in to trying to figure out what that problem is. In later posts, I will offer suggestions for how to improve their usability.

Problem 1: Where should these characters lane?
If they go to the bottom lane with a support instead of a ranged carry, then they will just have to sit their and eat harass whenever they try to farm (which they need just as much as ranged carries need).

If you send them to the middle lane, they will not be able to keep up against a mage or assassin that will likely be there, and they will either be pushed out of lane early, or feed the enemy.

If you send them to the top lane, which is where they normally go, then you are missing out on having a tankier champion there. This many be fine some of the time in solo queue, but in general, you are going to want someone beefier than a Fiora in your top lane to help tank for your team once team fights break out.

Lastly, if you send them to the jungle, there are a few problems. First, you are missing out on having a tanky champion, just like with top lane. Secondly, your jungler will have no cc, outside of maybe a situational slow if you are Tryn. Lastly, since you are squishier than a tank, you are more limited in what kinds of ganks you can perform, such as turret dive ganks; Also, your damage is relatively low early game. This would force you into being a passive farm jungler, which will likely hurt your team from the early stages of the game on.

So, there is no good lane for a melee carry to go to.

Problem 2: Poor team fighting ability
Carries by definition in League of Legends are champions who can die really quickly, but deal a lot of damage throughout fights as well; enough to kill the enemy team. Melee carries do have the potential to deal this damage for sure, but they often lack the ability to actually do it in most situations. Why? Because they are melee. They cannot kite and deal damage to enemy champions. They cannot sit on the outskirts of a fight away from the AoE damage and enemy carry while killing the enemy front line. They have to get up right in the enemies faces and hope that they can live long enough to get their damage out. However, this leaves the carries very vulnerable, and makes it near impossible outmaneuver the enemies like a ranged carry can.

So what can a melee carry do? Well, the best situation would probably be to just sit back and wait for someone on the enemy team to start to get low, and then run in, kill them, and use your only escape ability(Yi's Q, Tryn's Ult and E, Fioras Ult, and of course flashes) and hope you get away and didn't die in the process. So basically, you win your team fights that they are already winning, like AP Master Yi tends to do, but AP YI does it better and more safely.

Problem 3: Sieging turrets
You see this all the time in games of all levels. The enemy team gets pushed to their turret, and your team is slowly trying to poke down their turret. The best person on your team to help poke down the turret is your teams ranged carry. They have the range to stay safe, many different positions they can be in, and high AD and attack speed.

However, a melee carry cannot help your team siege a turret like this. They do not have the range to poke a turret from afar, and they cannot position like a ranged carry can. Any time they try to walk up and hit the turret is a risk if the enemy team is around; a much greater risk than doing so as a ranged carry.

Now, if you have both a ranged carry and a melee carry, then this is irrelevant, but if you are in this situation, then you likely do not have an optimal team composition, and will at least in the late game be too easily countered by the enemy team for having too much physical damage or not enough tankiness.

These are the main three problems that I see melee AD carries having in our game. In my next post, I will discuss one or more ways that I think that melee carries could be helped. Have any comments? Did I miss a fatal problem of AD Carries? Do you feel that I am flat out wrong about something? Feel free to leave a comment below with constructive feedback, and I will respond when I can and edit my post if needed.

Until next time!
"This'll be a slaughter!"

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