Monday, April 15, 2013

How to fix Sion while meeting community expectations

In my last post about Sion, I talked about how I would fix Sion if he had not yet been released, and therefore had no community expectations, other than the normal expectations of high quality champions that all champions should have.

However, this is not the reality of things. Sion's kit has to meet community expectations, and those expectations involve him being viable in both the AD bruiser role, and the AP bruiser role, which makes my previous change irrelevant.

So, let us again revisit the problems with each spec. First of all, the shield does not fit thematically as the rest of his kit does, although his shield is such an integral part of his kit, that we cannot change the fact that he has a shield, though we can perhaps work with it to make it better for AD Sion.

Another issue is that Sion's ultimate is pretty much useless to AP Sion. It can be slightly useless early game, but once even mid game hit's, it is just useless. So, the first goal of mine will be to make his ultimate useful for both AP and AD Sion.

Now, you are probably wondering, how to go about this? Well, right now Sion's ultimate serves as a buff to his AD stats. So, keeping with the idea of it being a major buff, let us have it also buff his AP abilities for it's duration.

There are a few different stats that we can have to help. My first thought was spell vamp that will work in the same way as the life steal does on it, though I have to wonder how useful this will be in reality. My next idea would be to add cool down reduction, though I would prefer not adding in any stats that require adjusting his current cool downs, so this would need to be tested before added. Lastly, adding in additional AP and mana regen seems to me to be the best way to go. Even better, to make sure that AD Sion is not really affected at all, you could add on an increase %AP, like with deathcap, but a smaller amount. This would obviously require having Sion's ratio's worked out, and it would need to be fine tuned to make sure that Sion's abilities still felt good when used without his ult being activated. Because of this, it might would need to just stay as a flat amount, or at most a small buff to his ap, 8-10% at most at rank 3.

Now, I would also like to do the same change to Sion's passive that I brought up in my last post, which is moving his current passive onto his W as a passive, and giving him a new passive that either makes him resistant to slows, cc in general, or just bonus move speed.

Lastly, I would like to add a bonus AD ratio onto Sion's W Shield part (not the damage part). AP Sion's benefit from this will be minimal, but AD Sion will actually feel better for using it. It can be a small ration, and perhaps even have the base value lowered, but I feel that Sion should be able to feel like his shield is meaningful for both specs, and it doesn't feel too meaningful for AD Sion. Note that I do not necessarily believe that Sion's shield's strength should grow in power by much at all, merely that I think that he should have an AD scaling on it so that building AD feels better for the Sion Player.

Sion's Q will be left alone for this change, as it is useful for both spec's and relatively non-problematic from all perspectives as I see it. Sion's E will also be left alone, at least until all of the rest of the changes were tested, since it does have it's uses for both specs, even if it is better for one, which is fine.

I feel that these changes to Sion's kit will help to better unify his kit among both specs, while still maintaining both play styles, and will still leave Sion in a balanceable state for both specs, perhaps even moreso for AD Sion than he is now. What does everyone else think? Let me know in the comment below!

Until Next Time!
"What is best in death? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of noobs!"

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