Thursday, July 18, 2013

Analyzing Patch Notes - Patch 3.9

Hello all. I am starting now a series of posts where I will analyze changes made in the patch notes. Note that I will only talk about the changes that make it to the live servers, and not every change that hits the PBE. Also note that I probably won't comment on any bug fixes unless it was a major bug that really affects things like talon's e not amplifying damage from a while back. Anyways, let's get started!

Pillar of Flame Mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 from 70/80/90/100/110
Conflagration Mana cost increased to 70/75/80/85/90 from 60/65/70/75/80
Pyroclasm Mana cost reduced to 100/100/100 from 100/150/200

So brands W and E mana costs were made the same, and Pyroclasm no longer gains a cost as he levels. Overall a small buff to brand, although I feel that this is not nearly enough to really help him out, especially as mana on mages is kind of a joke as a restraint stat right now thanks to tear and even chalice.

Valkyrie Mana cost reduced to 50 from 100
Missile Barrage Mana cost reduced to 20 from 30/35/40

Corki is also in need of some help, and mana cost reductions are a nice way to do so without buffing his burst damage, which is generally fairly high. Not a bad direction, though some more damage somewhere would be nice.

League of Draven (New Passive)

When Draven catches a Spinning Axe, or kills a minion or monster, he gains one stack of Adoration. When Draven kills an enemy champion, he consumes half of his Adoration stacks and gains 3 gold per stack consumed. Draven loses half of his Adoration stacks upon death.

Major change to Draven here. It is true that Draven has proven to be a crazy strong AD Carry when played to his full potential (something that I saw coming on his release). He likely did need nerfs somewhere, and nerfing a part of him that really wasn't a part of his main fun aspect was definitely a good way to go. I am not sure if replacing his passive was entirely necessary, even if a nerfed version wasn't the most fun ability in the world (there are much worse ones though, like Sion's passive, ha). However, this new passive does fit Draven's personality and theme really well. I could see the extra gold really being able to put draven over the edge though, although he did lose a lot of damage, so we'll have to see how making it harder to get these kills affects things. Hopefully this passive will not need to be nerfed much, but we'll have to see.

Rampage Mana cost increased to 24/28/32/36/40 from 25

Honestly not sure why this is here. I think Hecarim is likely in a good spot right now, and I feel like all this will do is make him have to back more often because of being oom in the mid game. Maybe that is what Riot was wanting though, who knows.

Shock Blast Basic missile speed increased to 1450 from 1350 (Accelerated Shock Blast missile speed remains the same)
Acceleration Gate Cooldown increased to 16 seconds from 14/13/12/11/10

For the first change, a nice way to make normal shock blasts not feel so weak compared to accelerated ones, although I don't feel like Jayce really needed any kind of buff. The cooldown increase will drastically reduce his poke and siege potential, which was one of the major issues I think Riot has with him. On the other hand, Jayce will be getting a large rework soon in the next patch or two, so this was probably just a hotfix meant to keep Jayce in line for a while until that releases.

Righteous Fury AoE effect no longer affects towers

Small change likely meant to normalize the ability or something. Not really a big deal, just a slight nerf that no one really paid much attention to.

Base Attack Damage at level 1 reduced to 50.5 from 54.6
Mark of the Storm Mark duration reduced to 6 seconds from 8

So some really big nerfs to Kennan. This is likely due to his rise in popularity in the LCS since his ult's energy cost was removed. Oh the cycle of buffs and nerfs. Design wise this was a good way to hurt his early game bully potential, and it will make last hitting a little bit harder. The passive nerf probably won't affect late game team fights too much. Not bad changes overall, though I have to wonder if they were a bit too hard of nerfs.

Not listing all of her changes here for sake of space, look them up on the forums if you like. I will note one major change though, which is her ult.
Mana cost reduced to 0 from 100/50/0
All mimicked abilities now deal their own base damage instead of amplifying the base spell's damage

Now Leblanc can use whatever mimic'd ability she wants at any stage of the game without feeling bad for doing so because of it's low rank. I really like this change. For her Q's change, making the damage be split even between the initial damage and the mark adds in some counterplay if you dodge the next spell(s), and some reward to playing well as Leblanc, both of which are nice things. The cooldown starting instantly on W is really nice, and will make her much more mobile late game, which is one of the things that helps Leblanc be powerful (which she is not late game). Chains rooting sooner is definitely also nice throughout the whole game as it is now a much more reliable utility spell instead of so often just being an extra piece of burst.

Health per level reduced to 96 from 108
Consume Damage reduced to 500/625/750/875/1000 from 600/700/800/900/1000
Consume damage nerf makes it less powerful compared to smite, which gave Nunu possible jungle steal abuse cases. This and the health per level nerfs were both in response to nunu being a must ban or pick in the LCS since his recent buffs. Once again, cycle of buffs and nerfs. Good nerfs here imo though, since it nerfs his jungle power without hurting his support power very much.

Fury of the Dragonborn - Remade. All Fury of the Dragonborn effects have been moved to their respective abilities.
Dragonborn - Gains 5/10/15/20 Armor and Magic Resist. These bonuses are doubled in Dragon Form.

Flame Breath
No longer reduces Armor by 15%
Now passes through all units hit instead of stopping at the first
Debuff duration increased to 5 seconds from 4
Damage reduced to 80/115/150/185/220 from 80/125/170/215/260
On-hit magic damage to debuffed targets changed to 2% of the target's maximum Health from 15% of Flame Breath's damage (12/18.75/25.5/32.25/39 + 0.09 Ability Power).

Dragon's Descent
Passive Armor/Magic Resistance component removed
Passive Fury Gain increased to 1/2/3 per 1.5 seconds from 1/1/1
Fury decay while in Dragon Form reduced to 5 per second from 6 per second

So some components of her kit were moved around. Her E got some nice buffs in usability though she lost the (rather unnecessary) armor reduction, and her Dragon form was buffed for mid and late game and in team fights. Passive change does buff her early game jungle for sure. Overall I think these are some nice changes to make Shyvana stronger throughout the game, from level 1 through 18. It'll be interesting to see if these changes can bring Shyvana back in season 3.

Satchel Charge
Can now be reactivated while in flight, causing the Satchel Charge to detonate on landing
Missile speed increased to 1750 from 1600
Increased knockback distance to 400 from 350
Cooldown now starts when Satchel Charge is cast, not when it detonates

Nice buffs to his E's usability and impact. Nice way to buff a burst mage without giving them too much damage. I hope to see some of the other burst mages get some more help as well.

The following abilities no longer count as a spellcast for the sake of items like Tear of the Goddess, Sheen, etc.
Elise's Spider Form / Human Form
Nidalee's Aspect of the Cougar
Jayce's Transform: Mercury Hammer / Mercury Cannon

These champions were too easily able to stack tear, so a really good change for balancing the mid game for these champions. Not sure about the sheen, although in generally you cast another spell right after changing, so not a big deal really.

The following abilities have had their hit delay normalized:
Brand's Pillar of Flame hit delay normalized to 0.625 secondsLeona's Solar Flare hit delay normalized to 0.625 seconds
Swain's Nevermove hit delay normalized to 0.875 seconds
Veigar's Dark Matter hit delay normalized to 1.25 seconds

Consistency is nice, and I am really not sure why this wasn't done in the first place. Either way, nice that things are normalized now.

Vision and Sight Ward are now worth 30 gold, up from 25
Wriggle's Lantern Ward is now worth 20 gold, up from 15
The reward structure for killing wards has been changed to the following:
The killer of the ward gains 50% of the ward's base gold value
Nearby allied champions with Oracle's Elixir, or allied champions that placed Vision Wards nearby, split 50% of the ward's base gold value

Gold rewards buffed for killing wards. Good change especially after oracles was nerfed in S3. As for the person responsible for the ward being killed getting some of the reward, this is nice for supports and how gold starved they are. This will help at least a little bit in helping them do their job.

Oracle's Elixir
No longer expires on death
Duration reduced to 4 minutes from 5
Invisibility detection radius reduced to 600 from 750
Now displays the radius of the detection effect to the buffed player

Oracle's Extract
Invisibility detection radius reduced to 600 from 750
Now displays the radius of the detection effect to the buffed player

Overall I would say nerfs to Elixir. Sure not going away on death is nice, but it removes part of the risk reward aspect of the item. Now it doesn't have the dying risk, but you do run the risk of not finding enough wards to kill to make the item worth it in 4 minutes. And then you also lose 150 radius on top of that, make finding wards a big harder and possibly more dangerous while alone. I don't really like this change. As for Extract, I don't this is a big deal for dominion considering all of the tight corners. As for other maps, again, I don't think it's a big deal.

Tear of the Goddess
UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge
Cooldown per charge increased to 4 seconds from 3
Updated the tooltip to clarify its actual functionality
UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge
Cooldown per charge increased to 4 seconds from 3
Updated the tooltip to clarify its actual functionality
Archangel's Staff
UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge
Mana gained increased to 8 from 6
Cooldown per charge increased to 4 seconds from 3
Updated the tooltip to clarify its actual functionality

Good change to make some champions spike in power a little later in the game than they were if that was what Riot was going for. I think Riot's comments on this in the patch notes is all that really needs to be said.

Maw of Malmortius
Attack Damage increased to 60 from 55
Magic Resist increased to 40 from 36
Passive now grants 1 Attack Damage for every 2% of missing Health, up from 2.5%
Passive now capped at 35 Attack Damage, down from 40

Nice buffs to Maw's usability. It definitely needs some help, so I am glad it is getting some buffs and quality of life changes. This should make it a much better item than it is now, instead of just an item that you get when you have nothing else to do but upgrade your hexdrinker.

Death Streak gold values have been reworked to be in line with pre-Season 3 values.
A player killed three times in a row without resetting is now worth 220 gold (previously 182 gold)
A player killed six times in a row without resetting is now worth 112 gold (previously 62 gold)
Minimum kill value of a champion increased to 50 gold (previously 15 gold)

This is most likely a nerf to proxy singed. He needed to be nerfed and this was a good way to do it. I do however have to worry about this making feeding a little stronger, although the tribunal has removed many of the feeders from our game.

Twisted Treeline

Armor per level reduced to 2 from 3.5 on Twisted Treeline
Insanity Potion cooldown increased to 120 seconds from 100 on Twisted Treeline

Crystal Scar

Riftwalk cooldown increased to 9/8/7 seconds from 7/6/5 on Crystal Scar
Riftwalk range reduced to 600 from 700 on Crystal Scar

As I wrote in my post Map Specific Balance, A necessary Evil these are much needed nerfs to arguably the two most OP champions on each of these maps. It is really nice to see these nerfs go out, and I cannot wait to see what else we do for map specific balance.

Howling Abyss
Added new item: Orb of Winter
Recipe: Rejuvenation Bead + Rejuvenation Bead + Negatron Cloak
Total Gold Cost: 2080 (combine cost: 1180)
+70 Magic Resist
+20 Health Regen per 5 seconds
Unique Passive: Grants a shield that absorbs damage. The shield will refresh after a short period without taking damage.

Really strong new item to help deal with poke teams. It is also a really great mr item in general. Great addition to the howling abyss overall.

That is all for these patch notes!

Until Next Time!
"Ready to set the world on fire?"

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